The New York Times

How to access:
The first time you access the New York Times, click THIS LINK to sign in with your library card.
You will receive a coupon code to access NYT for free.
Set up an NYT account with a username and password.
You can now sign in to New York Times with that username and password.

How to access:
The first time you access the New York Times, click THIS LINK to sign in with your library card.
You will receive a coupon code to access NYT for free.
Set up an NYT Cooking account with a username and password.
You can now sign in to New York Times Cooking with that username and password.

How to access:
The first time you access the New York Times, click THIS LINK to sign in with your library card.
You will receive a coupon code to access NYT for free.
Set up an NYT Games account with a username and password.
You can now sign in to New York Times Games with that username and password.